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Virtual Sensors

ThreatDefence provides deep detection and response capabilities to your endpoints, 24x7, no matter For log collection a virtual sensor will be fully configured and managed by ThreatDefence. The sensor will provide secure log delivery over an encrypted TLS channel. The diagram below demonstrates how the virtual sensor works:

System Logging Infrastructure


A virtual sensor that can be hosted on any hypervisor platform or bare metal hardware. ThreatDefence experts can assist with the most optimal sensor configuration based on your requirements.

The virtual sensor is a small Linux virtual appliance . The virtual sensor can be hosted on most hypervisors and clouds (Vmware, HyperV, AWS etc.).

Virtual Machine Resource Requirements

The VM requirements are:

  • 2 x vCPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 200GB disk space
  • Internet connectivity (ports 53, 80, 443).